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Thomas Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Returns to Bench After Health Issue

Associate Justice Recovers from Infection

Washington, April 16 (Reuters)

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas returned to the bench on Tuesday, one day after he missed arguments in two cases due to an infection.

Thomas, 74, was hospitalized in Washington after being diagnosed with the infection, according to a statement from the court.

The court did not provide further details about Thomas's condition, but said he was "resting comfortably" and was "expected to participate in the remainder of the week's oral arguments."

Thomas is the longest-serving member of the Supreme Court, having been appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1991. He is a conservative jurist and is considered a member of the court's "right wing."

Thomas's absence from the bench on Monday was the first time he had missed oral arguments since being appointed to the court. The court recessed until Tuesday and heard arguments in the two cases without Thomas.

Thomas's return to the bench is a welcome sign for the court, which is currently considering several high-profile cases, including a challenge to the Affordable Care Act and a case involving the rights of LGBTQ people.
